What if the government advertisements said, "Be all you can be. Let the courts restore you to wholeness!" What if victims of violence knew their suffering could be alleviated? What if the violent offender got a respectable job but their victim got the pay for restitution? What if justice recruiters handled the caseload for petitioners, and got paid bonuses?

All sides to a conflict take all of the steps of restorative justice:
Each side tells the story from their point of view.
Each side acknowledges the violation, the failure.
Each side offers or accepts apologies.
Each side offers or accepts reparations. The victim is restored to wholeness. The perpetrator is given a respectable occupation in society. The community benefits from the victim's restored productivity and the reduced number of career criminals.
Everyone forgives everyone else for their part in the failure.
Reconciliation of everyone with each other and with our Creator.
If the process fails at any point, the conflict is heard in an adversarial court as a last resort.
In the USA, there is one common way to initiate the restorative justice process: file a lawsuit with Notice Pleading, keeping private all of the details; then, ask the court for mediation; request a mediator who is willing and able to conduct the restorative justice process. Mediation is the only private place to tell the details. If mediation fails, then threaten to expose the details in public because that is the only way to get a settlement from a corrupt person.

The true threat to U.S. citizens comes from inside the USA, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS):
In 2001, there were 5,744,000 violent crimes in the USA. See the article reporting that violence was usually higher. That rate of violence creates 460 million victims in a lifetime of 80 years. Therefore, every U.S. citizen is vulnerable to violent crime.
The direct tangible costs to crime victims annually are estimated to be $105 billion in medical expenses, lost earnings, and public program costs related to victim assistance. Pain, suffering and reduced quality of life increase the cost to $450 billion annually. (National Institute of Justice. 1996. Victim Costs and Consequences: A New Look. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice.)
A 2003 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calculates the annual health-related costs of rape, physical assault, stalking and homicide by intimate partners to exceed $5.8 billion each year. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2003. Costs of Intimate Partner Violence Against Women in the United States. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.)
Each year, victims of intimate partner violence lose nearly eight million days of paid work because of the violence. That is the equivalent of over 32,000 full-time jobs. (Ibid.)

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